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To make adding and managing videos on the canvas easier than pixi.js methods, Pixi’VN it has very basic functions for showing and managing videos. CanvasVideo is a class that extends CanvasImage, all the methods and properties of CanvasImage can be used with CanvasVideo and all functions that work with images can work with videos.

Show Video

The simplest and fastest method to show an video on the canvas is to use the showVideo function.

This function has the following parameters:

  • alias: Is a alias (or id) for the video. There can only be one item in the canvas with that id, if you add an video with the same alias, the previous video will be removed.
  • videoUrl: The URL or path of the video.
import { showVideo } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

showVideo('video1', 'path/to/video.mp4')

This function is a combination of the addVideo and load functions. It is very simple to use, but in cases where you want to manipulate the video before showing it, it is better to use the addVideo and load functions separately.

Add Video

To add an video to the canvas, you can use the addVideo function. This function will return a CanvasVideo object that you can use to manipulate the video. CanvasVideo is a class the extends CanvasImage, so you can use all the methods and properties of CanvasImage.

It is important to take into account that this function only adds the element to the canvas but does not show it and does not load its texture.

addVideo function has the following parameters:

  • alias: Is a alias (or id) for the video. There can only be one item in the canvas with that id, if you add an video with the same alias, the previous video will be removed.
  • videoUrl: The URL or path of the video.
import { addVideo } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

const video = addVideo('video1', 'path/to/video.mp4')

If you want initialize the video before and then add it to the canvas, you can use the canvas.addfunction.

import { canvas, CanvasVideo } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

let alien = new CanvasVideo({
    anchor: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 },
    x: 100,
    y: 100,
}, '')

canvas.add("alien", alien)

Load Video

After adding the video, you can load the texture and show it on the canvas using the CanvasVideo.load method.

This method is asynchronous, so:

  • You can use the await to wait for the video to load. So if you show the video in a step, you can disable the next step until the video is loaded.
  • You can not use the await and show the video in the next step. In this case, the video will be loaded in the background and will be shown when it is ready.
import { addVideo } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

const video = addVideo('video1', 'path/to/video.mp4')
await video.load()

In some cases you may need to ensure that multiple videos are displayed at the same time. In this case, you can use the loadVideo function to load a array of CanvasVideo.

import { addVideo, loadVideo } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

const video1 = addVideo('video1', 'path/to/video1.mp4')
const video2 = addVideo('video2', 'path/to/video2.mp4')

await loadVideo([video1, video2])

You can use loadVideo also to show a single video.

import { addVideo, loadVideo } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

const video = addVideo('video1', 'path/to/video.mp4')

await loadVideo(video)
// or await video.load()

Another way to make sure multiple videos are displayed at the same time is to use the PIXI.Assets function, for add the textures in cache.

import { addVideo, Assets } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

// Load the videos and add them to the cache
await Assets.load('path/to/video1.png')
await Assets.load('path/to/video2.png')

const video1 = addVideo('video1', 'path/to/video1.png')
const video2 = addVideo('video2', 'path/to/video2.png')

// The videos are already loaded, so you can show them without waiting

Load Video Textures in Cache when a label is called

It's exactly the same as Load Image Textures in Cache when a label is called, but with videos.

Remove Video

As for the Canvas Elements, you can remove an video from the canvas using the canvas.remove function.

Play and Pause Video

You can use the play() and pause() methods to play and pause the video, or set the paused property to true or false.

import { addVideo } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

const video = addVideo('video1', 'path/to/video.mp4')
await video.load()
// or video.paused = false

// or video.paused = true

Loop Video

You can use the loop property to set the video to loop.

import { addVideo } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

const video = addVideo('video1', 'path/to/video.mp4')
await video.load()

video.loop = true

Restart Video

You can use the restart method to restart the video.

import { addVideo } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

const video = addVideo('video1', 'path/to/video.mp4')
await video.load()
