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Getting Started

You can start using Pixi’VN by initializing a new project or installing the package in an existing project.


Before starting, you must have the following tools installed:

Project Initialization

If you want to start a new project, you can use the following command to initialize a new project with the Pixi’VN template:

npm create pixi-vn@latest

The supported template presets are:

( More templates will be added in the future, see this issue for more information )

After the project is initialized, you can open the project directory with your text editor (VSCode is recommended) and start developing your visual novel.

Into all templates there is a file with more information about the project.

Package Installation

For installing the Pixi’VN package, you can use the following command:

npm install @drincs/pixi-vn

Now you must initialize the Pixi’VN window before using the engine.

For example, you add the following code to the main.ts or index.ts (It depends on your project configuration):

import { canvas, narration, clearAllGameDatas } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'
import App from './App'
import './index.css'

// Canvas setup with PIXI
const body = document.body
if (!body) {
    throw new Error('body element not found')

canvas.initialize(body, 1920, 1080, {
    backgroundColor: "#303030"

// read more here:
narration.onGameEnd = async (props) => {

How enable the decorators in TypeScript?

In Pixi’VN, in some advanced features, it is necessary to use decorators.

By default, TypeScript does not enable the use of decorators. To enable the use of decorators in TypeScript, you must add the following configuration to the tsconfig.json file:

    "compilerOptions": {
        // ...
        "experimentalDecorators": true