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Why Pixi’VN?

The reason why Pixi’VN was born is that the current systems for creating visual novels or 2D RPGs are based on old systems and have many shortcomings.

Pixi’VN combines the development of various 2D games in a single engine, bringing video game development closer to web applications in order to take advantage of their great compatibility and cloud services.

What is Pixi’VN?

Pixi’VN is a very versatile and powerful 2D game engine. It is based on JavaScript/TypeScript and PixiJS.

It provides the following features:

  • narrative management
  • provides a 2D canvas
  • providing functionality to play sounds and music
  • storage to set and get game variables.
  • saves the current state of the entire game at each "story step" giving the possibility to go back
  • functionality to save and load the current state of the game.

For a quick start, various project templates are available. Less experienced developers can use these templates without much knowledge of JavaScript/TypeScript.

You have the option to use various types of narrative languages ​​(in addition to JavaScript/TypeScript). Currently you can use the following:

Features of Pixi’VN

Its great versatility is due to the fact that Pixi’VN is an npm package, and not a framework. This means that it can be installed on any JavaScript project and coupled with your favorite JavaScript framework (React, Vue, Angular, etc.). You may use the provided functionality for a variety of purposes, from creating a visual novel or other type of 2D game (such as point-and-click adventure, RPGs, etc.), using only the narrative features in a 3D game, displaying an animation on a website, etc.

To be as lightweight as possible, it only deals with specific features, adding or giving the possibility to add more with other libraries. There is no need to use heavy IDEs for development, any code editor will do.

It does not reinvent things that already exist. Pixi’VN binds together several very popular libraries and provides APIs to interact with them and have full access to them. It does not invent new programming/narrative languages.