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Style Text on Ink + Pixi’VN

To add style in native Ink it must be done through .css files. This method is not possible to use in Pixi’VN.

For this reason Pixi’VN + Ink provides the following possibilities that are not handled by native Ink.

New Lines

To create a new line, you can use the escape character \\n.

Hello, this is a test. \\n<>
This is a new line.

Style Text with Markdown on Ink

On Pixi’VN it is recommended to use Markdown to add style to your text. If you have implemented Markdown in your project then you will be able to write your dialogues using Markdown.

To do this you need to keep in mind that many symbols in Markdown syntax are also used by Ink syntax, such as: #, *, /, ~, -, | etc. To avoid conflicts you can use the escape character \ before the symbol.

Here's an example:

On Markdown:

# Markdown Test

Hello, this is a test of the markdown parser. Pixi'VN does not manage markdown, but you can implement a markdown parser to display text with markdown syntax.

For example in React, you can use the library [react-markdown](

## Colored Text

<span style="color:blue">some *blue* text</span>.

<span style="color:red">some *red* text</span>.

<span style="color:green">some *green* text</span>.

## Bold Text

**This is bold text.**

## Italic Text

*This is italic text.*

## Delete Text

~~This is deleted text.~~

## Link Test

[Link to Google](

## H2 Test

### H3 Test

#### H4 Test
## Code Test

\`Hello World\`

console.log("Hello World")

## List Test

- Item 1
* Item 2
- [x] Item 3

## Table Test

| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| -------- | -------- |
| Cell 1   | Cell 2   |

## Separator Test


On Ink:

\# Markdown Test \\n<>

Hello, this is a test of the markdown parser. Pixi'VN does not manage markdown, but you can implement a markdown parser to display text with markdown syntax. \\n<>

For example in React, you can use the library [react-markdown](https:\/\/ \\n<>

\#\# Colored Text \\n<>

<span style="color:blue">some *blue* text</span>. \\n<>

<span style="color:red">some *red* text</span>. \\n<>

<span style="color:green">some *green* text</span>. \\n<>

\#\# Bold Text \\n<>

\**This is bold text.** \\n<>

\#\# Italic Text \\n<>

\*This is italic text.* \\n<>

\#\# Delete Text \\n<>

\~~This is deleted text.~~ \\n<>

\#\# Link Test \\n<>

[Link to Google](https:\/\/ \\n<>

\#\# H2 Test \\n<>

\#\#\# H3 Test \\n<>

\#\#\#\# H4 Test \\n<>
\#\# Code Test \\n<>

\`Hello World\` \\n<>

\`\`\`js \\n<>
console.log("Hello World") \\n<>
\`\`\` \\n<>

\#\# List Test \\n<>

\- Item 1 \\n<>
\* Item 2 \\n<>
\- [x] Item 3 \\n<>

\#\# Table Test \\n<>

\| Header 1 \| Header 2 \| \\n<>
\| -------- \| -------- \| \\n<>
\| Cell 1   \| Cell 2   \| \\n<>

\#\# Separator Test \\n<>

\*\*\* \\n<>
Footer \\n<>