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How translate ink text?

As explained in more detail here, Pixi’VN gives the possibility to translate the game text using a library like i18next. Also in ink + Pixi’VN integration you can use the same library to translate the text of the ink.

Pixi'vn gives the developer the ability to intercept the translation event to add custom functionality. This is done through the onInkTranslate function.

The onInkTranslate function receives a callback function that will be called whenever a text is found in the ink script. The callback function returns a string that indicates the translated text. The callback function receives a parameter:

  • text: the text to translate.
import { onInkTranslate } from '@drincs/pixi-vn-ink'
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";

const { t } = useTranslation(["narration"]);
onInkTranslate((text) => {
   return t(text)

Auto-generation of translation files

( Under development )