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Assets management in ink

As explained in more detail here, it is recommended to initialize the asset matrix at project start and load the assets and think about when the assets should be loaded.

On ink you have less control than in Javascript/Typescript over how and when to load assets. On ink, pixi-vn provides a single function that load assets before a label starts.

The syntax is as follows:

# + load + assets + [list of URL/path of the image]

  • #: It is a special character used by ink syntax for use a special script.
  • [list of URL/path of the image]: It is the list of URL/path of the images that you want to show. If you have initialized the asset matrix, you can use the alias of the texture. Keep in mind that to write https:// in ink you must use https:\/\/ because the // is considered a comment in ink.
=== start ===
# load assets eggHead flowerTop my_video
# show image eggHead
# show image flowerTop
# show video my_video
# pause
-> start