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Use Canvas in Ink

Pixi’VN included in Ink syntax the possibility to use the PixiJS Canvas.

The syntax is as follows:

# + canvas operation + type of the canvas element + tag of the canvas element + parameters

  • # It is a special character used by Ink syntax for add Special Commands.
  • canvas operation It is the operation that you want to do with the canvas element. The available operations are show, edit, and remove. In addition only for the video canvas element are pause and resume.
  • type of the canvas element It is the type of the canvas element. The available types are image and video.
  • tag of the canvas element It is the tag of the canvas element. The tag is a string that identifies the canvas element.
    • If the tag includes spaces, you must use double quotes.
  • parameters It is the parameters of the operation. The parameters depend on the operation.
    • If the parameters include spaces, you must use double quotes.
    • If the parameters is a object, you must use the JSON format and the first character must be \{ and the last character must be \}. Example: \{ "color": "red", isVisble: true, position: { x: 100, y: 100 } \}

Show Canvas Element in Ink

To show a canvas element in Ink, you can use the show operation.

This operation requires one parameter, the URL or path of the image.

# show image bg /image.png
# show image "bg 2 alice" /image2.png

Show Canvas Element with Transition in Ink

If you want to show the canvas element with a transition, you can add after the URL or path of the image the transition parameters.

The first parameter is the transition type, the available transitions are dissolve, fade, movein and zoomin.

After the transition type, you can add the transition parameters. These parameters do not have a precise order and must be set as follows: parameterName + SPACE + value. If the value is a string you must use double quotes.

# show image bg /image.png dissolve
# show image bg /image.png dissolve duration 3
VAR durationVar = 3
# show image bg /image.png dissolve duration {durationVar}

Edit Canvas Element in Ink

To edit a canvas element in Ink, you can use the edit operation. After the tag of the canvas element, you must include the properties of canvas element that you want to edit.


In the `parameters` you must include the properties that you want to edit. The properties must be set as follows: `propertyName` + `SPACE` + `value`. If the `value` is a string you must use double quotes.

# edit image bg position \{ "x": 20, "y": 30 \} visible true  cursor "pointer" alpha 0.5

Remove Canvas Element in Ink

To remove a canvas element in Ink, you can use the remove operation.

# remove image bg
# remove image "bg 2"

Remove Canvas Element with Transition in Ink

If you want to remove the canvas element with a transition, you can add after the tag of the canvas element the transition parameters.

The first parameter is the transition type, the available transitions are dissolve, fade, moveout and zoomout.

After the transition type, you can add the transition parameters. These parameters do not have a precise order and must be set as follows: parameterName + SPACE + value. If the value is a string you must use double quotes.

# remove image bg dissolve
# remove image bg fade duration 3

Pause Video Canvas Element in Ink

To pause a video canvas element in Ink, you can use the pause operation.

# pause video bg
# pause video "bg 2"

Resume Video Canvas Element in Ink

To resume a video canvas element in Ink, you can use the resume operation.

# resume video bg
# resume video "bg 2"