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Tickers (primitive animations and effects)

Pixi’VN provides the possibility to animate the canvas components with the tickers (primitive animations and effects).

The tickers, compared to PixiJS.tickers, are classes with a fn method that is executed at every frame. This method is used to animate the canvas components. Pixi’VN keeps track of all running tickers, detects when they are no longer used and allows you to pause, resume, and delete them with various methods.

Pixi’VN provides various primitive tickers, that can be used to perform basic actions. For example, the MoveTicker class is primitive animation that can be used to move a canvas component.


For moving a canvas component in (x, y) direction you can use the MoveTicker class. This ticker will edit the x and y properties to reach the destination.

MoveTicker have a constructor that takes following properties:

  • props: the properties of the shake effect. The properties are:
    • destination: is an object that contains the destination of the movement. It has the following properties:
    • x: is a number that represents the destination in the x direction.
    • y: is a number that represents the destination in the y direction.
    • type (Optional): is a string that represents the type of the destination. Possible values are pixel, percentage and align:
      • pixel: The destination is in pixel.
      • percentage: The destination is in percentage.
      • align: The destination is in align. default is pixel.
    • speed (Optional): is a number that represents the speed of the movement.
    • speedProgression (Optional): in case the movement needs to increase/decrease in speed over time, this property can be used. You can read more about it here.
    • startOnlyIfHaveTexture (Optional): is a boolean that represents if the animation should start only if the canvas component have a texture not empty. If true and the canvas component not have a texture, the animation will not edit the x and y properties, but will be executed. You can read more about it here.
    • aliasToRemoveAfter (Optional): is a string[] that contains the aliases of the canvas component that will be removed after the movement. You can read more about it here.
    • tickerAliasToResume (Optional): in case you want to continue some tickers that were previously paused, you can pass the aliases of the canvas components that have the tickers to be resumed. You can read more about it here.
  • duration (Optional): the maximum duration of the ticker in seconds.
  • priority (Optional): the priority of the ticker.
import { canvas, MoveTicker, newLabel, Repeat, showImage } from "@drincs/pixi-vn";

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label", [
    async () => {
        await showImage("alien");
        canvas.addTickersSequence("alien", [
            new MoveTicker({ 
                destination: { x: 1, y: 0, type: "align" }, 
            new MoveTicker({ 
                destination: { x: 1, y: 1, type: "align" }, 
                speed: 50, 
            new MoveTicker({ 
                destination: { x: 0, y: 0, type: "align" }, 
                speed: 20, 


For rotating a canvas component you can use the RotateTicker class. This ticker will edit the rotation property to rotate the canvas component.

RotateTicker have a constructor that takes following properties:

  • props: the properties of the shake effect. The properties are:
    • speed (Optional): is a number that represents the speed of the rotation.
    • clockwise (Optional): is a boolean that represents the direction of the rotation. If true, the rotation will be clockwise, otherwise it will be counterclockwise.
    • limit (Optional): is a number that represents the limit of the rotation. It is in degrees.
    • speedProgression (Optional): in case the rotation needs to increase/decrease in speed over time, this property can be used. You can read more about it here.
    • startOnlyIfHaveTexture (Optional): is a boolean that represents if the animation should start only if the canvas component have a texture not empty. If true and the canvas component not have a texture, the animation will not edit the rotation property, but will be executed. You can read more about it here.
    • aliasToRemoveAfter (Optional): is a string[] that contains the aliases of the canvas component that will be removed after the movement. You can read more about it here.
    • tickerAliasToResume (Optional): in case you want to continue some tickers that were previously paused, you can pass the aliases of the canvas components that have the tickers to be resumed. You can read more about it here.
  • duration (Optional): the maximum duration of the ticker in seconds.
  • priority (Optional): the priority of the ticker.
import { canvas, newLabel, Repeat, RotateTicker, showImage } from "@drincs/pixi-vn";

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label", [
    async () => {
        await showImage("alien", "alien", { align: 0.5, anchor: 0.5 });
        canvas.addTickersSequence("alien", [
            new RotateTicker({}, 2), 
            new RotateTicker({ 
                clockwise: false, 
                speed: 10, 
            }, 3), 


For fading a canvas component you can use the FadeAlphaTicker class. This ticker will edit the alpha property of the canvas component to fade in/out.

FadeAlphaTicker have a constructor that takes following properties:

  • props: the properties of the shake effect. The properties are:
    • speed (Optional): is a number that represents the speed of the fade.
    • type (Optional): is a string that represents the type of the fade. Possible values are hide and show:
    • hide: The canvas component will fade out.
    • show: The canvas component will fade in.
    • limit (Optional): is a number that represents the limit of the fade. If type is hide, the limit will be 0, otherwise it will be 1.
    • speedProgression (Optional): in case the fade needs to increase/decrease in speed over time, this property can be used. You can read more about it here.
    • startOnlyIfHaveTexture (Optional): is a boolean that represents if the animation should start only if the canvas component have a texture not empty. If true and the canvas component not have a texture, the animation will not edit the alpha property, but will be executed. You can read more about it here.
    • aliasToRemoveAfter (Optional): is a string[] that contains the aliases of the canvas component that will be removed after the movement. You can read more about it here.
    • tickerAliasToResume (Optional): in case you want to continue some tickers that were previously paused, you can pass the aliases of the canvas components that have the tickers to be resumed. You can read more about it here.
  • duration (Optional): the maximum duration of the ticker in seconds.
  • priority (Optional): the priority of the ticker.
import { canvas, FadeAlphaTicker, newLabel, Repeat, showImage } from "@drincs/pixi-vn";

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label", [
    async () => {
        await showImage("alien", "alien", { align: 0.5, anchor: 0.5 });
        canvas.addTickersSequence("alien", [
            new FadeAlphaTicker({}), 
            new FadeAlphaTicker({ 
                type: "show", 


For zooming a canvas component you can use the ZoomTicker class. This ticker will edit the scale.x and scale.y properties of the canvas component to zoom in/out.

ZoomTicker have a constructor that takes following properties:

  • props: the properties of the shake effect. The properties are:
    • speed (Optional): is a number that represents the speed of the zoom effect.
    • type (Optional): is a string that represents the type of the zoom effect. Possible values are zoom and unzoom:
    • zoom: The canvas component will zoom in.
    • unzoom: The canvas component will zoom out.
    • limit (Optional): is a number that represents the limit of the effect. If type is zoom, the limit will be Infinity, otherwise it will be 0.
    • speedProgression (Optional): in case the zoom effect needs to increase/decrease in speed over time, this property can be used. You can read more about it here.
    • startOnlyIfHaveTexture (Optional): is a boolean that represents if the animation should start only if the canvas component have a texture not empty. If true and the canvas component not have a texture, the animation will not edit the scale.x and scale.y properties, but will be executed. You can read more about it here.
    • aliasToRemoveAfter (Optional): is a string[] that contains the aliases of the canvas component that will be removed after the movement. You can read more about it here.
    • tickerAliasToResume (Optional): in case you want to continue some tickers that were previously paused, you can pass the aliases of the canvas components that have the tickers to be resumed. You can read more about it here.
  • duration (Optional): the maximum duration of the ticker in seconds.
  • priority (Optional): the priority of the ticker.
import { canvas, newLabel, Repeat, showImage, ZoomTicker } from "@drincs/pixi-vn";

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label", [
    async () => {
        await showImage("alien", "alien", { align: 0.5, anchor: 0.5 });
        canvas.addTickersSequence("alien", [
            new ZoomTicker({ 
                limit: 3, 
            new ZoomTicker({ 
                type: "unzoom", 
                limit: -3, 


You can use the ZoomTicker class to mirror a canvas component.

For example, if you want to mirror a canvas component horizontally, you can use the following code:

import { canvas, newLabel, Repeat, showImage, ZoomTicker } from "@drincs/pixi-vn";

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label", [
    async () => {
        await showImage("alien", "alien", { align: 0.5, anchor: 0.5 });
        canvas.addTickersSequence("alien", [
            new ZoomTicker({
                type: "unzoom",
                limit: { x: -1, y: 0 },
                speed: { x: 1, y: 0 },
            new ZoomTicker({
                limit: 1,

Special properties

All the tickers, provided by Pixi’VN, have the following properties:

Speed progression property

You can use the speedProgression property to increase/decrease the speed of the effect over time.

Existent types are linear and exponential. The linear type will increase the speed by a fixed amount every frame, while the exponential type will increase the speed by a percentage every frame.

The speedProgression property is an object that contains the following properties:

  • type: is a string that represents the type of the progression. Possible values are linear and exponential.

If the type is linear, the object must contain the following properties:

  • amt: is a number that represents the amount of the speed to increase every frame.
  • limit (Optional): is a number that represents the limit of the effect.

If the type is exponential, the object must contain the following properties:

  • percentage: is a number that represents the percentage of the speed to increase every frame. If the percentage is 0.1, the speed will increase by 10% every frame.
  • limit (Optional): is a number that represents the limit of the effect.
import { canvas, MoveTicker, newLabel, Repeat, showImage } from "@drincs/pixi-vn";

export const startLabel = newLabel("start_label", [
async () => {
    await showImage("alien");
    canvas.addTickersSequence("alien", [
        new MoveTicker({
            destination: { x: 1, y: 0, type: "align" },
            speedProgression: { type: "linear", amt: -10, limit: 5 }, 
        new MoveTicker({
            destination: { x: 0, y: 0, type: "align" },
            speedProgression: { type: "exponential", percentage: 1.5, limit: 1000 }, 

Start only if have texture property

You can use the startOnlyIfHaveTexture property to start the animation only if the canvas component have a texture not empty. This is actually during the creation of a transition.

Alias to remove after property

You can use the aliasToRemoveAfter property to remove the canvas component after the effect. This is actually during the creation of a transition.

Ticker alias to resume property

You can use the tickerAliasToResume property to resume some tickers that were previously paused. tickerAliasToResume is an array of strings that contains the aliases of the canvas components that have the tickers to be resumed.

Create your own ticker

Create your own ticker is very simple, you just need to extend the TickerBase class, override the fn method and implement your own logic.

After that, you must decorate the class with the @tickerDecorator decorator. The decorator can receive a string that represents the alias of the ticker. If the alias is not provided, the class name will be used as the alias.

To better understand how to create one, a simplified version of the RotateTicker class is shown below:

import { canvas, Container, TickerBase, tickerDecorator, TickerValue } from "@drincs/pixi-vn";

@tickerDecorator() // or @tickerDecorator('RotateTicker')
export default class RotateTicker extends TickerBase<{ speed?: number, clockwise?: boolean }> {
    override fn(
        t: TickerValue,
        args: {
            speed?: number,
            clockwise?: boolean,
        aliases: string[]
    ): void {
        let speed = args.speed === undefined ? 0.1 : args.speed
        let clockwise = args.clockwise === undefined ? true : args.clockwise
        aliases.forEach((alias) => {
            let component = canvas.find(alias)
            if (component && component instanceof Container) {
                if (clockwise)
                    component.rotation += speed * t.deltaTime
                    component.rotation -= speed * t.deltaTime