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Canvas Components

Pixi’VN provides a set of canvas components. These components are based on Pixi.js, a modern 2D rendering engine.

What is a sprite? In computer graphics, a sprite is a two-dimensional bitmap that is integrated into a larger scene, most often in a 2D video game.

Base Components

The available components are:

Custom Components

You can create custom components by extending the base components. It is necessary use the decorator @canvasComponentDecorator.

@canvasComponentDecorator is a decorator that save the canvas component in memory. It have a optional parameter that is the id of the canvas component (must be unique). If you don't pass the id, the canvas component will be saved with the class name. ( How enable the decorators in TypeScript? )

And is necessary to override the memory property to store the custom component properties. In get memory() is very important to return the className property, this property must equal to the decorator parameter or the class name if the decorator parameter is not passed.

For example, you can create a AlienTinting class that extends the Sprite class to manage character sprites.

@canvasComponentDecorator() // or @canvasComponentDecorator("AlienTintingTest")
class AlienTintingTest extends Sprite<IAlienTintingMemory> {
    override get memory() {
        return {
            direction: this.direction,
            turningSpeed: this.turningSpeed,
            speed: this.speed,
            className: "AlienTintingTest",
    override set memory(memory: IAlienTintingMemory) {
        super.memory = memory as ICanvasSpriteMemory
        this.direction = memory.direction
        this.turningSpeed = memory.turningSpeed
        this.speed = memory.speed
    direction: number = 0
    turningSpeed: number = 0
    speed: number = 0
    static override from(source: Texture | TextureSourceLike, skipCache?: boolean) {
        let sprite = Sprite.from(source, skipCache)
        let mySprite = new AlienTintingTest()
        mySprite.texture = sprite.texture
        return mySprite