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Pixi’VN + Json Integration

Pixi’VN can be integrated with JSON files to create a visual novel. This method is useful for:

  • Add a new narrative to Pixi’VN (It was used to create the integration with ink and Ren'Py)
  • Create a external tool to create visual novels with Pixi’VN

( In both these cases it is advisable to notify the developers of Pixi’VN to add the new feature to be helped )

How use Pixi’VN + Json?

First of all you need to install the following library:

npm install @drincs/pixi-vn-json
yarn add @drincs/pixi-vn-json
pnpm add @drincs/pixi-vn-json
bun add @drincs/pixi-vn-json

All you need to do to use this integration is create a object using the PixiVNJson Model and use the importPixiVNJson() function to import the object.

import { PixiVNJson, importPixiVNJson} from '@drincs/pixi-vn-json';

let obj: PixiVNJson = {
    labels: {
        back_in_london: [
                dialogue: "We arrived into London at 9.45pm exactly.",
                labelToOpen: {
                    label: "hurry_home",
                    type: "jump",
        hurry_home: [
                dialogue: "We hurried home to Savile Row as fast as we could.",
                end: "label_end",


After that you can run the back_in_london label with Pixi’VN functions.

import { narration } from '@drincs/pixi-vn'

narration.callLabel(`back_in_london`, {})

PixiVNJson Model

You can see the PixiVNJson model in the PixiVNJson.ts file.

The following graph has been created purely for the purpose of making the json interface easier to understand.


This graph is not complete