Pixi’VNPixiJS Game Engine
Create visual novels with the modern 2D rendering engine PixiJS, and your favorite JavaScript framework.
Create visual novels with the modern 2D rendering engine PixiJS, and your favorite JavaScript framework.
Write your story in your favorite narrative language. Such as ink or Ren'Py or TS/JS.
In all cases you can also interact with the canvas and sounds, or create custom narrative scripts.
You can read more about it here.
=== start
Hello, world!
This is a Pixi’VN tutorial.
I hope you enjoy it!
label start:
"Hello, world!"
"This is a Pixi’VN tutorial."
"I hope you enjoy it!"
const startLabel = newLabel("start_label_id", [
(props) => narration.dialogue = "Hello, world!",
(props) => narration.dialogue = "This is a Pixi’VN tutorial.",
(props) => narration.dialogue = "I hope you enjoy it!"
"labels": {
"start_label_id": [
"dialogue": "Hello, world!",
"dialogue": "This is a Pixi’VN tutorial.",
"dialogue": "I hope you enjoy it!",
Create your own assets with your favorite tools. Like Daz 3D, Blender, Photoshop, Krita, GIMP, Cinema 4D, Spine 2D etc.
Pixi’VN uses the power of PixiJS to render your assets.
You can also create 2D animations with Spine 2D or interact with 3D elements with Three.js.
Build the UI with your favorite JavaScript framework. Like React, Vue, Preact, Qwik, lit, Solid, Svelte, Angular, PixiJS etc.
You can read more about it here.
Choose which tools to use from the vast possibilities of the world of Web apps. Like TypeScript, Tauri, VS Code, Vite.js, i18n, NodeJS, Astro, AWS, Bootstrap, Electron, ESLint, Firebase, Gatsby, Gulp, Bit, Jest, MUI, Netlify, Nextjs, npm, Nuxt, Rollup, Supabase, Webpack, Fluent etc.